
I Miss Yellowstone National Park

Never thought it would be so fast that almost 1 year have passed since the day I departed to Yellowstone National Park. Now is my juniors' turn to go for the Work and Travel in USA program. Whenever I saw the photos they uploaded about the dorm they stayed, the working place, made me recall back my time in Lake Village, Yellowstone National Park. Although it was very fun and exciting to travel around USA, the most memorable and unforgettable is still my experience of working in Lake Village.

Every morning me and my friends have to wake early morning ( around 6.30 a.m.) and took turn to have a shower. However, I was always the earliest to wake up and while waiting for us to shower, one of my friend always took this 'advantage' to sleep a bit longer. LOL. At 8 am after some stretching session to warm up, we will start our day to clean the rooms.
The breakfast we took every morning

The steps to clean  a room was always the same and we have to do the same things for 15 rooms or more.It sounds boring but we always will find our own enjoyment and entertainment in it. Haha. Before opening a room, we always pray to see a face on the "ex-President of USA". Mostly there will 2 "George Washington" on the table, and if we're lucky there will be "Abraham Lincoln" or even "Alexander Hamilton". During lunch time and dinner time, we will compare with each other of whom we "met" on that day. LOL. My highest record of getting tips in a week is 90 bucks. HEHE.. But I also have another record which is 5 consecutive days of not getting any tips. T.T  Besides that, we will always compete with each other of bed making, the fastest time to clean a room and so on. Although it was boring to clean the rooms, we always had our own fun. ^^
Seeing this will motivate us to do the job better! lol

I still remember during the end of May and early June we still have to wear a sweater and gloves to go work. Along the way the path had been covered by the snow. It was very very very cold~~~~ I barely feel my hands when I reached the hotel. It was my first time to experience snow. It was a great experience but it wasn't fun, because it was too cooooooooold~~~~ haha
Even though it was very cold, we still wanna play..haha

However, the most precious moment for me in Yellowstone is the moment with the friends I knew there. After work just hangout in the employee pub, drink some beer, play some pool, eat some pizza, chit chat. During weekend went out to explore the National Park, climb some hills, saw some great falls, and discovered some animals which wouldn't be found in Malaysia/Singapore. What a life!
Big Pizza for everyone!!
Adventure time!!
Osprey Falls
Bison walking on the street like a boss

Our last breakfast with everyone.. T.T
I really miss you guys!!!
I really miss those time!!! No worry, no stress, just enjoy the life... Although this life couldn't last long, if I have the money, the time I would want to go Work and Travel again in the future!!!


Sir Alex Lift the Trophy at Old Trafford for the last time

Last night was such an emotional night. Everyone was excited that Manchester United was going to lift up their 13th Premier League trophy at Old Trafford, but all the fans and players were going to be very sad because it will Fergie's last home game......

Walking in like a BOSS..wait.. He is the BOSS!! lol

The game started well, both teams attack and defense nicely. We waited until 38 minutes 26 seconds, the little pea made a difference in the score board!

But in the second half, the Swansea's hero- Michu scored an equalizer with a brilliant flick of ball. The scoreboard stayed as 1-1 until 86 minutes. While everyone were thinking the game will end as a draw, Rio Ferdinand stood up to perfect Sir Alex's last home game!
Strike like a Striker!!

The game ended 2-1, although it wasn't a clean sheet , Fergie still can experienced United's undead spirit for the last time. Right after the match, Sir Alex gave a speech to announce personally to the fans about his retirement. He also mentioned Scholesey will retire after the game and urge the fans to stand by for the new manager whom will be David Moyes.

Although we already knew he is going to retire after the season, it still hurt to hear him announce it himself. It was really a sad moment to see him set down as United's manager. We really need to thank him for all the GLORY he brought for Manchester United. #Thank you Sir Alex

After his speech, it was the Glory time for Manchester United, the trophy presentation. The Captain and Vice-Captain let Sir Alex to lift up his last piece of trophy, the 13th Premier League title!!!

It was such a fantastic moment at Old Trafford, everyone were celebrating around with the trophy.

However, it wasn't a perfect day as Rooney was left out of the team sheet. Everyone was shocked to see Rooney  wasn't in Sir Alex's last home game team line-up. All the rumor have been spreading saying that Rooney might leave at the end of the season. Even though he looked very excited and happy to lift the trophy, there was an awkward moment between him and Sir Alex when he got the medal he just took a quick hand shake with Fergie and moved behind. Not even a slight hug was given.

After the celebration, Sir Alex told the media that Rooney had made a transfer request and said he wasn't keen to play thats why he was left out. Why Rooney why??? Why you have to choose this moment to make such request??? Are you not a Red anymore??? This really hurt our feeling, I wouldn't want to see you leave... I always thought you will be the next Ryan Giggs.....


Thank you Sir Alex Ferguson

I never thought this day would come so soon. Seriously I wasn't prepare for this news. I nearly burst to tears when I got the news.

I still thought Sir Alex Ferguson will lead United to win another Champion League trophy.
I still thought Sir Alex Ferguson will lead United to win another 3 consecutive Premier League Champions.
I still thought Sir Alex Ferguson will bring CR7 back home....

But this day will still come and it was today. Manchester United official website had announced that Sir Alex Ferguson will retire at the end of this season. Even though I still can't believe it yet, but its the truth. He had lead Man Utd for almost 27 years, he really deserve a rest now.

Thank you Sir Alex Ferguson for bringing us all the excitement and glory for Manchester United.

Thank you Sir Alex Ferguson for bringing United to be the most successful English football team.

Thank you Sir Alex Ferguson for bringing United to win the second and third Champion League trophies.

Thank you Sir Alex Ferguson for giving the class of 92' a chance and making them to be LEGENDS.

Thank you Sir Alex Ferguson for bringing Cristiano Ronaldo to Old Trafford and transformed him to be the greatest football player in the world.

There are still so many things I would like to thank you, but the most important is.....
Thank you to be Manchester United's Manager!

You have been a leader, a father, a symbol, an icon for Manchester United. I can't imagine Manchester United without Sir Alex Ferguson. But I will still support the Red Devil thru my whole life, and hopefully you will still stay back to be a part of Manchester United.

Sir Alex Ferguson, thank you for Everything! 




在3号( 拜五),当天根本没心情工作因为当晚终于要回家了,心情很兴奋!一放工后就赶紧坐MRT回宿舍,收拾包包就赶去车站了。宁愿早到都不要迟到。9点就要开车了,然后我发现巴士里的乘客多数都只拿一个小包包,还有多数都是穿红或黄或绿色的衣服…………



大概在12点多,也是时候解散了(我是“司机”,可怜的我必须一个一个载他们回家。哈哈)当晚的街头上比平时来得更热闹,在我家乡出现难得一见的大塞车!原因是国阵,民联支持者乘着汽车和摩多车到处挥旗。可是很明显的民联支持者比较多,因为国阵在街上挥旗的比较想工作人员多过支持者。反而民联支持者都是一些民众看到别人挥旗,自己也去找个民联的旗然后在车上挥来挥去(当时我朋友也是一直吵着要找个旗来挥,lol)。当晚大家不分种族,挥着月亮,眼睛,火箭,高喊着“58”,“印尼咖喱辣”,犹如得到独立了一般地热闹。那时真的深刻感觉到自己不是个华人,周围的人也不是马来人,印度人, 大家都是土生土长的马来西亚人! 我们都不想再看到自己的国家再生病下去,大家都想救自己的国家!看到那个场面大家都对隔天充满了希望…………

终于到了,五月五。虽然昨晚大塞车,半夜两三点才回到家,不过我还是一样七点多就起床了。Bangun pagi, gosok gigi, cuci muka, pi mandi. Makan roti, minum kopi, pakai kuning, pi undi.


拿到了我的幸运号码- 5号!
可是不晓得我当天幸运不,才早上九点多而已我被派到的房间已经排长龙了。几乎等了差不多半个小时至一个小时,终于轮到我了。那是在门外的心情非常紧张及兴奋,一走进去就叫自己的身份证给第一位。检查名字和手指完毕后,接着就让第二位在左手食指上点墨,然后就跟第三位拿票卷。由于网上传着如果票卷由污垢一律列为废票,所以我就很小心地尽量不要让左手碰到票卷。看到我要投给的名字后就拿起pen狠狠地在他旁边画个 X! 然后就把它们放进投票箱。就这样身为大马人民的使命已经完成了,整个过程前后不到5分钟。那时真的松了一口气,唯有在等待成绩揭晓的那一刻。


当天晚上,全国人民连在外地的都坐在电视机前,或电脑前等待着消息。人家说在308大家都疯狂传SMS来传达最近消息,可是现在大家都是疯狂refresh FB page来获得最新算票消息,这就是时代的改变。从林伯伯落后到反超到领先,大家都在守住,大家都默默地欢呼。当时比看什么比赛,看什么成绩还要刺激,紧张!当我们看到多数民联候选人都在领先时,心里都想变天有望了!!!


有个区几乎已经确定民联领先几千票胜利后,突然算票区停电!有电后,突然多出几个投票箱?!!SPR解释说是邮寄票。结果就是因为那几个投票箱,国阵候选人反超几百票胜利。这是什么手段??!! 不只是那一区,网上都疯狂流传着他们的肮脏手段。明明5点后就应该送所有投票箱去算票区,可是到了十一点还是有几个投票箱送到算票区。结果明明民联候选人领先的,都最后都被反超。一算倒是国阵候选人胜利就赶紧宣布,反而是民联候选人胜出的就一拖再拖迟迟都不要宣布。 然后再国阵获得112国会议席后,就赶紧宣布国阵获得执政权。这是什么民主啊?!!明明就是硬硬抢议席回来继续执政的!从不退色墨汁事件,幽灵选票,bangla投票,停电,多余投票箱,真的是有史以来最肮脏最肮脏的选举!!


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