
2020 - a year to forget but will always be remember in the history


In less than a week, year 2020 is coming to an end. One word to summarize the year of 2020 - 



2020 - Can It Get Any More WORSE?!

 It's already near the end of August, the start of the second half of 2020 but the situation of COVID-19 doesn't seems to be getting any better. At the start of 2020 when COVID-19 started spreading out to worldwide, most of us thought it will get better at the second half of the year and everything can be back to normal during end of the year. However now is already the second half of 2020 and we still can't see any hope of countries opening border for leisure travel this year. Even Malaysia - Singapore, just a bridge distance, we Malaysian who are working in Singapore still can't go back to our hometown without serving a 14 days quarantine. Now we don't think everything can back to normal anytime this year. 

5 or 10 years later when the younger generations ask us what do we remember of the year 2020, I'm sure people will say COVID-19, lockdown, and the people we lost in 2020...


2020 - a Pandemic Year

As of now I'm writing this post, it's just the start of April 2020 and I already feel like it's coming to an end of 2020. Just in the month of January, there were already a lot of things happened in the world. However the news that caught the whole world's attention even until now is the Corona virus disease aka Covid-19.


Perfume 8th Tour 2020 - P Cubed in Dome

A new start of a year, a new decade - 2020! Perfume also started early for their 8th Tour at this new decade - P Cubed in Dome! I balloted the last day of the tour at Tokyo Dome 😆 !




唉~ 天意弄人啊~
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